BepiColombo points to Venus

BepiColombo points to Venus

Sequence of images taken by one of the monitoring cameras on board the European-Japanese BepiColombo mission to Mercury, as the spacecraft slewed to point towards Venus ahead of its 15 October flyby. Featured on ESA website...
ESA’s oldest Earth-observer images Delhi airport

ESA’s oldest Earth-observer images Delhi airport

Plentiful parked airliners at Indira Gandhi International Airport in New Delhi, usually the busiest airport in India until the COVID-19 pandemic, as seen by ESA’s oldest operational Earth observation mission, Proba-1. The image was taken by the High Resolution Camera....
BepiColombo keeping an eye on Earth

BepiColombo keeping an eye on Earth

A sequence of daily images of Earth taken by one of the MCAMs onboard BepiColombo spacecraft as it moved away from our planet after its gravity-assist flyby on 10 April 2020, on its path towards the inner Solar System and its final destination, Mercury. The first...
Views of Earth from BepiColombo’s flyby

Views of Earth from BepiColombo’s flyby

A compilation of about 200 images collected by the joint European-Japanese mission BepiColombo during its first – and only – flyby of Earth on 10 April 2020, a manoeuvre needed to adjust its trajectory en route to its destination, Mercury. The spacecraft, equipped...
BepiColombo’s final glimpses of Earth

BepiColombo’s final glimpses of Earth

Series of final glimpses of Earth on 10 and 11 April 2020, as BepiColombo moved away from our planet after the gravity-assist flyby performed in the early hours of 10 April. The images, showing Earth as a receding crescent against the darkness of space, were captured...