JUICE’s longest antenna

JUICE’s longest antenna

Image taken by MCSE’s monitoring camera 2 on board ESA’s JUICE mission to Jupiter, placed to monitor the multi-stage deployment of the 16 m-long Radar for Icy Moons Exploration (RIME) antenna. RIME is an ice-penetrating radar that will be used to remotely probe...
JUICE gets wings

JUICE gets wings

Images taken by MCSE’s monitoring camera 1 on board ESA’s JUICE mission to Jupiter, capturing the rotation of the solar arrays during their deployment after launch on 14 April. © ESA/Juice/JMC CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO Featured on ESA website...
JUICE leaves Earth

JUICE leaves Earth

Images taken by MCSE’s monitoring camera 1 on board ESA’s JUICE mission to Jupiter. The images were taken by  at 14:18 CEST and at 14:38 CEST, following launch at 14:14 CEST. © ESA/Juice/JMC CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO Featured on ESA website...
BepiColombo’s second Mercury flyby

BepiColombo’s second Mercury flyby

Image taken by MCSE’s monitoring camera 2 on board the European-Japanese BepiColombo mission to Mercury. The image was taken at 09:49:22 UTC when the spacecraft was within about 920 km from the surface of Mercury. Closest approach of about 200 km took place...
BepiColombo’s first Mercury flyby

BepiColombo’s first Mercury flyby

Sequence of images taken by MCSE’s monitoring cameras on board the European-Japanese BepiColombo mission to Mercury, as the spacecraft made a its first close flyby of its destination planet Mercury on 1 October 2021. Featured on ESA website...