SMART-1 Imager
Micro-Cameras & Space Exploration has developed, in the frame of SMART-1, the first European mission to the Moon, the imaging system AMIE (Advanced Moon micro-Imager Experiment)

ESA Mission
Launch: 27 Sept. 2003
End of mission: 3 Sept. 2006
Spacecraft: 1 m3, 370 kg
Objectives: testing solar-electric propulsion and other deep-space technologies, and making lunar scientific investigations
Orbit: 16-month transfer orbit from GTO to lunar orbit, then polar elliptical orbit ranging from 300 to 10 000 km
The AMIE imaging system is constituted of two units, a camera unit and a dedicated electronics unit. The camera includes a tele-objective with a 5.3°x5.3° field of view and an imaging sensor of 1024×1024 pixels. The dedicated electronic unit insures the following functions:
- data control and power management of the camera;
- image data storage into a mass memory buffer;
- data control and power management of a cube Micro-DPU (compression);
- communication with the S/C through the S/C CAN Bus Interface;
- adaptation of the S/C supply voltage (S/C Power Bus Interface) to the levels required by its electronics and the camera.
The instrument performances are:
- 5.3° x 5.3° FOV, Images 45km x 45km at 500km, resolution 45m/pixel at 500km
- Powerful Image Compression Unit → high data compression rate
- Power Supply I/F Board
- System Control Unit: µP Board, buffer memory…
- Specific radiation shielding
- Total Mass 2kg

Relevant publications
J. Näränen, H. Parviainen, K. Muinonen, J.-L. Josset, S. Beauvivre, P. Pinet, S. Chevrel, D. Koschny, B. Grieger, and B. Foing; Lunar single-scattering, porosity, and surface-roughness characteristics with SMART-1/AMIE, Electromagnetic and Light Scattering XII International Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 2010.
A. Souchon, P. Pinet, S. Chevrel, Y. Daydou, J.-L. Josset, And S. Beauvivre, Surface optical properties of geological materials: a new look at the regolith of the Moon, Mercury and asteroids, European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, 2010.
B.H. Foing, B. Grieger, D. Koschny, J.-L. Josset, S. Beauvivre, V. Kaydash, Y. Shkuratov, K. Muinonen, U. Mall, A. Nathues, B. Kellett, P. Pinet, S. Chevrel, P. Cerroni, M.C. de Sanctis, M.A. Barucci, S. Erard, D. Despan, V. Shevchenko, S. Peters, A. Borst, F. Bexkens, M. Almeida, D. Frew, J.Volp, D. Heather, SMART-1 New Results from 2009-2010, European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, 2010.
Despan, D.; Erard, S.; Barucci, A.; Josset, J. L.; Beauvivre, S.; Koschny, D.; Almeida, M.; Grieger, B.; Foing, B.; AMIE team, The Polar Maps of the Moon with AMIE/SMART-1, American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #41, Puerto Rico, October 2009.
B.H. Foing, D. Koschny, B. Grieger, J.-L. Josset, S. Beauvivre, M. Grande, J. Huovelin, H.U. Keller, U. Mall, A. Nathues, A. Malkki, G. Noci, Z. Sodnik, B. Kellett, P. Pinet, S. Chevrel, P. Cerroni, M.C. de Sanctis, M.A. Barucci, S. Erard, D. Despan, K. Muinonen, V. Shevchenko, Y. Shkuratov, M. Ellouzi, S. Peters, M. Almeida, D. Frew, J.Volp, D. Heather, P. McMannamon, O. Camino, G.Racca, From SMART-1 to Robotic Village and International Lunar Bases, Semaine de l’Astrophysique Française SF2A, Besançon, 29 juin – 4 juillet 2009.
Foing B. H. Koschny D. Grieger B. Josset J.-L. Beauvivre S. Grande M. Huovelin J. Keller H. U. Mall U. Nathues A. Malkki A. Noci G. Sodnik Z. Kellett B. Pinet P. Chevrel S. Cerroni P. de Sanctis M. C. Barucci M. A. Erard S. Despan D. Muinonen K. Shevchenko V. Shkuratov Y. Ellouzi M. Peters S. Borst A. Baxkens F. Boche-Sauvan L. Mahapatra P. Almeida M. Frew D. Volp J. Heather D. McMannamon P. Camino O. Racca G., SMART-1 Results and Targets for LRO, Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Science Targeting Meeting, Tempe, Arizona, June 9-11, 2009.
Souchon A. L., Chevrel S. D., Pinet P. C., Daydou Y. H., Shevchenko V. V., Grieger B., Josset J. L., Beauvivre S., Shkuratov Y., Kaydash V. G., AMIE Team, Characterization of the Optical Properties of J. Herschel Pyroclastic Deposit Using SMART-1/AMIE Photometric Data, Lunar and Planetary Science XXXX, Houston, 2009
B.H. Foing, D. Koschny, B. Grieger, J.-L. Josset, S. Beauvivre, M. Grande, J. Huovelin, H.U. Keller, U. Mall, A. Nathues, A. Malkki, G. Noci, Z. Sodnik, B. Kellett, P. Pinet, S. Chevrel, P. Cerroni, M.C. de Sanctis, M.A. Barucci, S. Erard, D. Despan, K. Muinonen, V. Shevchenko, Y. Shkuratov, M. Ellouzi, S. Peters, A. Borst, F. Bexkens, M. Almeida, D. Frew, J.Volp, D. Heather, P. McMannamon, O. Camino, G.Racca, SMART-1: Review of Lunar Highlights, Lunar and Planetary Science XXXX, Houston, 2009
V. Kaydash, M. Kreslavsky, Yu. Shkuratov, S. Gerasimenko, P. Pinet, J.-L. Josset, S. Beauvivre, B. Foing, Photometric Anomalies of the Lunar Surface Studied with SMART-1 AMIE Data, Icarus, vol. 202, no2, pp. 393-413, 2009.
D. Despan, S. Erard, A. Barucci, J.-L. Josset, S. Beauvivre, S. Chevrel, P. Pinet, D. Koschny, M. Almeida, B. Grieger, B.H. Foing and the AMIE team., High Resolution Maps of the Moon Surface with AMIE/SMART-1, Joint Annual Meeting of LEAG-ICEUM-SRR, Cape Canaveral, Florida, 28-31 October 2008.
Despan, D.; Erard, S.; Barucci, A.; Josset, J. L.; Beauvivre, S.; Chevrel, S.; Pinet, P.; Koschny, D.; Almeida, M.; Grieger, B.; Foing, B.; AMIE Team; High Resolution Maps of the Moon Surface with AMIE/SMART-1, American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #40, #13.01. 2008.
K. Muinonen, H. Parviainen, J. Näränen, J.-L. Josset, S. Beauvivre, P. Pinet, S. Chevrel, D. Koschny, B. Grieger, and B. Foing, Lunar single-scattering, porosity, and surface-roughness properties with SMART-1/AMIE, Astronomy & Astrophysics Letters, 2008.
Grieger, B.; Beauvivre, S.; Despan, D.; Erard, S.; Josset, J.-L.; Koschny, D., Investigating a peak of (almost) eternal light close to the lunar south pole with SMART-1/AMIE images, European Planetary Science Congress, Münster, 21-26 September 2008
B.H. Foing, D. Koschny, B. Grieger, J.-L. Josset, S. Beauvivre, M. Grande, J. Huovelin, H.U. Keller, U. Mall, A. Nathues, A. Malkki, G. Noci, Z. Sodnik, B. Kellett, P. Pinet, S. Chevrel, P. Cerroni, M.C. de Sanctis, M.A. Barucci, S. Erard, D. Despan, K. Muinonen, V. Shevchenko, Y. Shkuratov, M. Ellouzi, S. Peters, F. Bexkens, A. Borst, C. Odum, L. Boche-Sauvan, M. Almeida, D. Frew, J.Volp, D. Heather, P. McMannamon, O. Camino, G.Racca, SMART-1 Lunar Highlights: Impact Craters, Basins, Tectonics and Volcanism, NLSI Lunar Science Conference, NASA Ames , 13-20 July 2008.
Peters S. T. Foing B. H. Borst A. Bexkens F. Koschny D. Rossi A. Josset J. L. Beauvivre S., SMART-1/Clementine Study of Humorum, Procellarum and South-Pole Aitken Basins: Coupling Between Impacts, Volcanism and Tectonics, NLSI Lunar Science Conference, NASA Ames , 13-20 July 2008.
Grieger B., Foing, B.H.; Almeida, M.; Beauvivre S., Josset J.-L., Koschny, D.; Dougnac, V.; Martinez S., Coverage, resolution, and calibration of SMART-1/AMIE images, 37h COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Montreal, Canada , 13-20 July 2008.
Despan, D., Erard, S.; Beauvivre S., Chevrel, S.; Pinet, P.; Almeida, M.; Grieger B., Cerroni, P.; Barucci, M.; Josset J.-L., Koschny, D.; Foing, B.H.; High Resolution North and South Polar Maps of the Moon with AMIE/SMART-1, 37h COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Montreal, Canada , 13-20 July 2008.
Naranen J., Parviainen H., Muinonen K., Josset J.-L., Beauvivre S., ., Koschny, D.; Foing, B.H.; Grieger B., Photometric study of the Moon with SMART-1/AMIE, 37h COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Montreal, Canada , 13-20 July 2008.
Cerroni P., Josset J.L., Beauvivre S., Grjeger B., Almeida M., Koschny D., Besse S., De Sanctis M.C, Pinet P., Chevrel S., Despan D., Erard S., Barucci M.A., Langevin Y., Muinonen K., AMIE camera on SMART1 : colour information from selected lunar regions, 37h COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Montreal, Canada , 13-20 July 2008.
B.H. Foing, D. Koschny, B. Grieger, J.-L. Josset, S. Beauvivre, M. Grande, J. Huovelin, H.U. Keller, U. Mall, A. Nathues, A. Malkki, G. Noci, Z. Sodnik, B. Kellett, P. Pinet, S. Chevrel, P. Cerroni, M.C. de Sanctis, M.A. Barucci, S. Erard, D. Despan, K. Muinonen, V. Shevchenko, Y. Shkuratov, P. Ehrenfreund, C. Veillet, L. Gurvits, M. Ellouzi, S. Peters, M. Almeida, D. Frew, J.Volp, D. Heather, P. McMannamon, O. Camino, G.Racca, Synthesis of SMART-1 lunar results: Science and Exploration, 37h COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Montreal, Canada , 13-20 July 2008.
B.H. Foing, D. Koschny, D. Frew, M. Almeida, M. Sarkarati, J. Volp, G. Racca, O. Camino, J. Schoenmakers, G. Schwehm, J.L. Josset, S. Beauvivre, Z. Sodnik, P. Cerroni, A. Barucci, M. Grande, U. Keller, A. Nathues, K. Muinonen et al (SMART-1 STWT and Spacecraft Operations Team), P. Ehrenfreund, C. Veillet, D. Wooden, L. Gurvits, N. Biver, D. Buckley, J.L. Ortiz, M. Di Martino, R. Dantowitz, B. Cooke, V. Reddy, M. Wood, S. Vennes, L. Albert, S. Sugita, T. Kasuga, K. Meech, A. Tokunaga, P. Lucey, A. Krots, A. C. Cook, E. Palle, P. Montanes, J. Trigo-RodriguezG. Cremonese, C. Barbieri, F. Ferri, V. Mangano, N. Bhandari, T. Chandrasekhar, N. Kawano, K. Matsumoto, C. Taylor, A. Hanslmeyer, J. Vaubaillon, AC Levasseur-Regourd, M. Khodachenko, H. Rucker, B.H. Foing et al (SMART-1 Coordinated observations group), M. Burchell, M. Cole, F. Ferri, D. Koschny, H. Svedhem, A. Rossi, D. Goldstein, P.H. Schultz, L. Alkalai, B. Banerdt, M. Kato, F. Graham, A. Ball, E. Taylor, E. Baldwin, A. Berezhnoy, H. Lammer, B.H. Foing et al (SMART-1 impact prediction group), D. Koschny, M. Talevi, J. Landeau-Constantin, B. v. Weyhe, S. Ansari, C. Lawton, J.P. Lebreton, L. Friedman, B. Betts, M. Buoso, S. Williams, A. Cirou, L. David, O. Sanguy, J.D.Burke, P.D. Maley, V.M. de Morais, F. Marchis, J.M. H. Munoz, J.-L. Dighaye, C. Taylor, B.H. Foing et al (SMART-1 outreach and amateur astronomer coordination), SMART-1 Moon impact on 3 Sept 2006: results from observation campaign, 37h COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Montreal, Canada, 13-20 July 2008.
Foing, B.H.; Grieger, B.; Koschny, D.; Josset, J.L.; Beauvivre, S.; Ellouzi, M.; Peters, S.; Almeida, M.; Frew, D., Synthesis of SMART-1 lunar results: Science and Exploration, EGU Vienna, 2008.
Peters, S.; Foing, B.H.; Koschny, D.; Rossi, A.; Josset, J.L.; Beauvivre, S., SMART-1/Clementine study of Humorum and Procellarum Basins, EGU Vienna, 2008.
Grieger, B.; Almeida, M.; Beauvivre, S.; Dougnac, V.; Foing, B. H.; Josset, J.-L.; Koschny, D.; Martinez, S., Coverage, resolution and calibration of SMART-1/AMIE images, EGU Vienna, 2008.
Josset, J.-L.; Beauvivre, S.; Cerroni, P.; De Sanctis, M.C.; Erard, S.; Chevrel, S.; Barucci, M.; Koschny, D.; Grieger, B.; Despan, D., AMIE SMART-1 New Views and Analysis of the Lunar Poles, EGU Vienna, 2008.
Kaydash, V.; Kreslavsky, M.; Shkuratov, Yu.; Gerasimenko, S.; Pinet, P.; Chevrel, S.; Josset, J.-L.; Beauvivre, S.; Foing, B., Photometric anomalies of the lunar surface and the lunar opposition effect from AMIE SMART-1 data, EGU Vienna, 2008.
Despan, D.; Erard, S.; Barucci, A.; Josset, J.-L.; Beauvivre, S.; Chevrel, S.; Pinet, P.; Koschny, D.; Almeida, M.; Grieger, B., AMIE/SMART-1 Mapping of Lunar Poles and Other Regions of Interest, EGU Vienna, 2008.
B. H Foing, G D Racca, J L Josset, D Koschny, D Frew, M Almeida, J Zender, D Heather, S Peters, A Marini, L Stagnaro, S Beauvivre, M Grande, Barry J Kellett, J Huovelin, A Nathues, U Mall, Pascale Ehrenfreund and P McCannon, SMART-1 highlights and relevant studies on early bombardment and geological process on rocky planets, Physica Scripta T130 014026, 2008
Spudis P. D., Plescia J. B., Bussey D. B. J., Josset J.-L., Beauvivre S., The Geology of the South Pole of the Moon and Age of Shackleton Crater, Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX, Houston, 2008
Bussey D. B. J., Josset J.-L., Beauvivre S., Spudis P. D., A Comparison of Clementine and AMIE Lunar Polar Data, Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX, Houston, 2008
Peters S. TM., Foing B. H., Koschmy D., Rossi A. P., Josset J. L., Beauvivre S., SMART-1/Clementine Study of Humorum and Procellarum Basins: Coupling Between Impacts, Volcanism and Tectonics, Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX, Houston, 2008
Kaydash V., Kreslavsky M. A., Shkuratov Yu., Gerasimenko S., Pinet P., Chevrel S., Josset J.-L., Beauvivre S., Foing B. H., The Opposition Effect of the Moon from SMART-1 AMIE Data, Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX, Houston, 2008
Foing B. H., Koschny D., Grieger B., Josset J.-L., Beauvivre S., Grande M., Huovelin J., Keller H. U., Mall U., Nathues A., Malkki A., Noci G., Sodnik Z., Kellett B., Pinet P., Chevrel S., Cerroni P., De Sanctis M. C., Barucci M. A., Erard S., Despan D., Muinonen K., Shevchenko V., Shkuratov Y., Ellouzi M., Peters S. TM., Almeida M., Frew D., Volp J., Heather D. J., McMannamon P., Camino O., Racca G., SMART-1 Lunar Highlights, Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX, Houston, 2008
Koschny D., Foing B. H., Frew D., Grieger B., Almeida M., Sarkarati M., Volp J., Josset J.-L., Beauvivre S., Grande M., Huovelin J., Nathues A., Malkki A., Noci G., Kellett B., Heather D.J., Zender J., McMannamon P., Schwehm G., Camino O., Blake R., SMART-1 Lunar Science Planning, Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX, Houston, 2008
Grieger B., Foing B. H., Koschny D., Josset J. L., Beauvivre S., Frew D., Almeida M., Sarkarati M., Volp J., Pinet P., Chevrel S., Cerroni P., De Sanctis M. C., Barucci M. A., Erard S., Despan D., Muinonen K., Shevchenko V., Shkuratov Y., Ellouzi M., Peters S., Cook A. C., Coverage and Pointing Accuracy of SMART-1/AMIE Images, Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX, Houston, 2008
Foing B. H., Grande M., Huovelin J., Josset J.-L., Keller H. U., Nathues A., Malkki A., Noci G., Kellett B., Beauvivre S., Almeida M., Frew D., Volp J., Heather D., Koschny D., Zender J., McMannamon P., Camino O., Racca G., Highlights of SMART-1, 9th ILEWG International Conference on Exploration and Utilisation of the MOON (ICEUM9/ILC2007), Sorrento, Italy, 22-26 October, 2007
J.-L. Josset, S. Beauvivre, P. Cerroni, M. C. De Sanctis, P. Pinet, S. Chevrel, Y. Langevin, M. A.Barucci, P. Plancke, D. Koschny, M. Almeida, Z. Sodnik, S. Mancuso, B.A. Hofmann, K. Muinonen, V. Shevchenko, Yu. Shkuratov, V. Kaydash, M.Kreslavsky, P. Ehrenfreund and B.H. Foing, SMART-1 / AMIE Camera Results, 9th ILEWG International Conference on Exploration and Utilisation of the MOON (ICEUM9/ILC2007), Sorrento, Italy, 22-26 October, 2007
Josset J.-L., Bussey B., Beauvivre S., and AMIE Team, AMIE’s New View of the Lunar Poles, 9th ILEWG International Conference on Exploration and Utilisation of the MOON (ICEUM9/ILC2007), Sorrento, Italy, 22-26 October, 2007
Despan D., Erard S., Barucci A., Josset J.-L., Beauvivre S., Chevrel S., Pinet P., Koschny D., Almeida M., Foing B., and AMIE Team, Geometrical Analysis of AMIE/SMART-1 Images and Application to Photometric Studies of the Lunar Surface, 9th ILEWG International Conference on Exploration and Utilisation of the MOON (ICEUM9/ILC2007), Sorrento, Italy, 22-26 October, 2007
Grieger B., Almeida M., Beauvivre S., Dougnac V., Josset J.-L., Koschny D., and AMIE Team, The SMART-1/AMIE Image Data Set: Overview, Calibration Status, and Examples, 9th ILEWG International Conference on Exploration and Utilisation of the MOON (ICEUM9/ILC2007), Sorrento, Italy, 22-26 October, 2007
Despan, Daniela; Erard, S.; Barucci, M. A.; Josset, J. L.; Beauvivre, S.; Chevrel, S.; Pinet, P.; Koschny, D.; Almeida, M.; Foing, B. H.; AMIE Team; Geometrical Analysis of AMIE/Smart-1 Images and Applications to Photometric Studies of the Lunar Surface, DPS meeting #39, #25.08; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 39, p.460, 2007.
Ellouzi, M.; Foing, B.; Koschny, D.; Beauvivre, S.; Josset, J-L.; AMIE Science Team, SMART-1/AMIE high resolution maps of the Lunar Poles, European Planetary Science Congress, Potsdam, 2007
Despan, D.; Erard, S.; Barucci, A.; Josset, J.-L.; Beauvivre, S.; Chevrel, S.; Pinet, P.; Koshny, D.; Almeida, M.; the AMIE tream, Geometrical analysis of AMIE/Smart-1 images and applications to photometric studies of the lunar surface, European Planetary Science Congress, Potsdam, 2007
Kaydash, V.; Kreslavsky, M.; Shkuratov, Yu.; Josset, J.-L.; Beauvivre, S.; Almeida, M.; Foing, B. Photogrammetric study of selected lunar regions with SMART-1 AMIE data, European Planetary Science Congress, Potsdam, 2007
Kaydash, V.; Kreslavsky, M.; Shkuratov, Yu.; Gerasimenko, S.; Pinet, P.; Chevrel, S.; Josset, J.-L.; Beauvivre, S.; Almeida, M.; Foing, B., Analysis of photometric function for selected lunar areas by SMART-1 AMIE data, EGU Vienna, 2007.
Cerroni, P.; De Sanctis, M.C.; Josset, J.L.; Beauvivre, S.; Besse, S., Geometrical analysis of AMIE/Smart-1 images and applications to photometric studies of the lunar surface, EGU Vienna, 2007.
Chevrel, S. D.; Pinet, P. C.; Daydou, Y.; Rosemberg, C.; Besse, S.; Josset, J.L.; Beauvivre, S.; Cerroni, P.; Shkuratov, Y.; Shevchenko, V. V., Photometric properties of the lunar surface from AMIE/SMART-1 multiangular imaging, EGU Vienna, 2007.
J.-L. Josset, S. Beauvivre, P. Cerroni, M. C. De Sanctis, P. Pinet, S. Chevrel, Y. Langevin, M. A.Barucci, D. Despan, S. Erard, P. Plancke, D. Koschny, M. Almeida, Z. Sodnik, S. Mancuso, B.A. Hofmann, K. Muinonen, V. Shevchenko, Yu. Shkuratov, V. Kaydash, M.Kreslavsky, P. Ehrenfreund and B.H. Foing, SMART-1 / AMIE Camera Results, Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII, Houston, 2007
Foing B. H., Grande M., Huovelin J., Josset J.-L., Keller H. U., Nathues A., Malkki A., Noci G., Kellett B., Beauvivre S., Cerroni P., Pinet P., Makkinen H., Mall U., Almeida M., Frew D., Volp J., Sarkarati M., Heather D., Koschny D., Zender J., McMannamon P., SMART-1 Mission: Highlights of Lunar Results, Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII, Houston, 2007
Koschny D., Foing B. H., Frew D., Almeida M., Sarkarati M., Volp J., Grande M., Huovelin J., Josset J.-L., Nathues A., Malkki A., Noci G., Kellett B., Beauvivre S., Heather D., Zender J., McMannamon P., Schwehm G., Camino O., Blake R., SMART-1 Lunar Science Planning, Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII, Houston, 2007
Despan D., Erard S., Barucci A., Josset J.-L., Beauvivre S., Chevrel S., Koschny D., Almeida M., Geometrical Analysis of AMIE/SMART-1 Images and Applications to Photometric Studies of the Lunar Surface, Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII, Houston, 2007
Cerroni P., De Sanctis M., C. Josset J.-L., Beauvivre S., Besse S., Chevrel S., Pinet P., Koschny D., Almeida M., Barucci A., Erard S., Despan D., Langevin Y., AMIE on SMART-1: A Preliminary Analysis of Colour Information from Images of the Oppenheimer Region on the Moon, Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVIII, Houston, 2007
Kaydash, V., Kreslavsky, M., Shkuratov, Yu., Gerasimenko, S., Pinet, P., Chevrel, S., Josset, J.-L., Beauvivre, S., Almeida, M., Foing B., Topography of selected lunar areas from SMART-1 AMIE data, Microsymposium 46, Topics in Comparative Planetology, Moscow, Russia, 2007.
Despan, D.; Erard, S.; Barucci, A.; Josset, J. L.; Beauvivre, S.; Chevrel, S.; Koschny, D.; Almeida, M.; the AMIE team; Geometrical Analysis of AMIE/Smart-1 Images and Applications to Photometric Studies of the Lunar Surface, DPS meeting #38, #57.09; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 38, p.589, 2006.
Foing, B. H., Frew, D., Almeida, M., Koschny, D., Volp, J., Josset, J.-L., Grande, M., Houvelin, J., Keller, H. U., Nathues, A., Malkki, A., Noci, G., Kellett, B., Beauvivre, S., Heather, D., Zender, J., McMannamon, P., Camino, O., Colaprete, T., Wooden, D., Lcross Team, SMART-1 Implications for LCROSS: Operations and Lunar Science Results, Workshop on Lunar Crater Observing and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) Site Selection, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California, October 16, 2006.
Foing, B. H., Frew, D., Almeida, A., Sarkarati, M., Volp, J., Racca, G., Camino, O., Schoenmaker, J., Schwehm, G., Josset, J. L., Beauvivre, S., Sodnik, Z., Cerroni, P., Barucci, A., Grande, M., Keller, U., Nathues, A., Muinonen, K., Ehrenfreund, P., Wood, M., Vennes, S., Meech, K., Taylor, C., Hanslmeyer, A., Vaubaillon, J., Khodachenko, M., Rucker, H., Leibundgut, B., Hainaut, O., Gondoin, P., Ortiz, J. L., Schultz, R., Erd, C., SMART-1 Impact Campaign: Predictions, Observations, LCROSS Implications, Workshop on Lunar Crater Observing and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) Site Selection, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California, October 16, 2006.
P. Cerroni, S. Besse, M. C. De Sanctis, J. Josset, S. Beauvivre, P. Pinet, S. Chevrel, M. A. Barucci, Y. Langevin, D. Koshny, M. Almeida, B. Foing, and the AMIE Team, Colour Images of The Moon from Amie on SMART-1: A Preliminary Analysys of the Region of Oppenheimer, 38th Meeting of the AAS Division for Planetary Sciences 8-13 October 2006, Pasadena
D. Despan, S. Erard, A. Barucci, J.-L. Josset, S. Beauvivre, S. Chevrel, D. Koschny, M. Almeida, and the AMIE Team, Geometrical analysis of AMIE/SMART-1 images and applications to photometric studies of the lunar surface, 38th Meeting of the AAS Division for Planetary Sciences 8-13 October 2006, Pasadena
Josset, J. L., Beauvivre, S., Amie Science Team, AMIE/SMART-1 Moon North and South Poles First Results, 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Beijing, China, 16 – 23 July 2006.
Josset, J. L., Beauvivre, S., The Amie Team, AMIE Camera System on board SMART-1, 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Beijing, China, 16 – 23 July 2006.
B.H. Foing, D. Koschny, D. Frew, M. Almeida, M. Sarkarati, J. Volp, G. Racca, O. Camino, J. Schoenmakers, G. Schwehm, J.L. Josset, S. Beauvivre, Z. Sodnik, P. Cerroni, A. Barucci, M. Grande, U. Keller, A. Nathues, K. Muinonen, P. Ehrenfreund, B. Leibundgut, O. Hainaut, J.L. Ortiz, R. Schultz, C. Erd, L. Gurvits, A. C. Cook, G. Cremonese, C. Barbieri, D. Martino, J. Trigo-Rodriguez, N. Bhandari, T. Chandrasekhar, N. Kawano, K. Matsumoto, V. Reddy, M. Wood, S. Vennes, K. Meech, C. Taylor, A. Hanslmeyer, J. Vaubaillon, M. Khodachenko, H. Rucker, D. Koschny, H. Svedhem, A. Rossi, D. Goldstein, P.H. Schultz, L. Alkalai, B. Banerdt, M. Kato, M. Burchell, V. Mangano, A. Berezhnoy, H. Lammer, M. Talevi, S. Ansari, C. Lawton, J.P. Lebreton, M. Buoso, S. Williams, A. Cirou, L. David, O. Sanguy, J.D.Burke, P.D. Maley, V.M. de Morais, F. Marchis, J.M. H. Munoz, J.L. Dighaye, F. Graham, Moon Smart Impact: Predictions and Observation Campaign, First International Conference on Impact Cratering in the Solar System ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 08 – 12 May, 2006
K. Muinonen, J. Tyynelä, J. Näränen, J.-L. Josset, S. Beauvivre, B. Foing, and the AMIE Science Team, Inversion of lunar surface topography from SMART-1/AMIE images, EGU Vienna, 2006.
Josset, J.L., Beauvivre, S., AMIE Team, SMART-1 / AMIE Camera System, EGU Vienna, 2006.
Foing, B.H. , Koschny, D., Tchumatchenko, T., Almeida, J.L., Josset, J.L., Beauvivre, S., Volp, J. , Frew, D., The SMART-1 Team, SMART-1 observations of the lunar poles, EGU Vienna, 2006.
Tchumatchenko, T., Koschny, D., Beauvivre, S., Josset, J.L., Almeida, M., Foing, B.H., SMART-1 AMIE team, Straylight characterisation of SMART-1 AMIE camera, EGU Vienna, 2006.
Josset J.-L., Hofmann, B. A., Beauvivre, S., Close-Up Imager CLUPI for European Mars Mission EXOMARS, Astrobiology Science Conference (AbSciCon) , Washington, D.C., March 26-30, 2006
B.H. Foing, M. Grande, J. Huovelin, J.-L. Josset, H.U. Keller, A. Nathues, A. Malkki, G. Noci, B. Kellett, S. Beauvivre, M. Almeida, D. Frew, J.Volp, D. Heather, G. Schwehm, D. Koschny, J.Zender, P. McMannamon, O. Camino, G.D. Racca, ESA’S SMART-1 Mission: Lunar Science Results after one year, Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII, Houston, 2006
J.-L. Josset, S. Beauvivre, P. Cerroni, M. C. De Sanctis, P. Pinet, S. Chevrel, Y. Langevin, M. A.Barucci, P. Plancke, D. Koschny, M. Almeida, Z. Sodnik, S. Mancuso, B.A. Hofmann, K. Muinonen, V. Shevchenko, Yu. Shkuratov, P. Ehrenfreund and B.H. Foing, SMART-1 / AMIE Camera System, Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII, Houston, 2006
J.-L. Josset, S. Beauvivre, P. Cerroni, M.C. De Sanctis, P. Pinet, S. Chevrel, Y. Langevin, M.A. Barucci, P. Plancke, D. Koschny, M. Almeida, Z. Sodnik, S. Mancuso, B.A. Hofmann, K. Muinonen, V. Shevchenko, Yu. Shkuratov, P. Ehrenfreund, B.H. Foing, Science objectives and first results from the SMART-1/AMIE multicolour micro-camera, Adv. Space Res. 37, 14-20 (2006).
Josset, J. L., Beauvivre, S., AMIE Team, First Results at the Moon from the SMART-1 / AMIE Experiment, American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #37, #48.03, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 37, p.731, 2005.
K. Muinonen, J.-L. Josset and S. Beauvivre, Lunar imaging science using AMIE aboard SMART-1. Proceedings of the XXXVIII Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society March 18-20, 2004, Oulu. 4.16
J.-L. Josset et al., Science Goals and Expected Results from the SMART-1 AMIE Multi-Coulour Micro-Camera, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 6-11 April 2003.
J. Piironen, J-L. Josset, K. Muinonen, S. Beauvivre, S. Kaasalainen and A. Liljestroem, Laboratory Measurements Of Lunar Analog Materials (SMART-1/AMIE), New Views of the Moon, Berlin, Germany, Jan. 2002.
J.-L. Josset, D. Heather, S. Dunkin, F. Roussel, S. Beauvivre, D. Kraenhenbuehl, P. Plancke, Y. Langevin, P. Pinet, S. Chevrel, P. Cerroni, M.-C. De Sanctis, A. Dillelis, Z. Sodnik, D. Koschny, A. Barucci, B. Hofmann, M. Josset, K. Muinonen, J. Piironen, P. Ehrenfreud, Y. Shkuratov, V. Shevchenko, Asteroid Moon micro-Imager Experiment (AMIE) for SMART-1 Mission, Science Objectives and Development Status, EGS XXVII General Assembly, Nice, 21-26 April 2002.